The Solder Connection Ltd aims to ensure that all suppliers are working towards Net Zero by 2030 in line with our expanding climate concerns. View an outline of our policies and how our Suppliers are working towards this goal below.
What is Net Zero?
The term ‘Net zero’ refers to cutting greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible, with the level of emissions we add becoming no more than is taken away. The UK Government became the first major UK economy to set a Net Zero goal in 2019, working towards Net Zero by 2050.
As a result the UK Government is encouraging companies to work towards reducing their environmental impact through a series of ‘balancing schemes’ to offset emissions such as carbon capture & storage or planting trees.
Solder Connection: Net Zero
Traditionally many companies business decisions prioritized short term financial returns, often at the expense of people, communities and the planet, however more recently we have begun to recognise that our actions today will have a direct and profound impact on generations to come.
Our young employees have encouraged the directors to show leadership and work towards a Net Zero 2030 goal, highlighting that, although we are not a large global corporation, our actions will collectively make a difference. As a result Solder Connection will look to actively reduce our carbon emission levels year on year.
We have looked at every aspect of our company and have started to make inroads into achieving this goal. Our first significant move was to become a corporate sponsor of the International Tree Foundation which both plants trees in areas of deforestation and works in underdeveloped countries, creating communities and welfare around fruit plantations. Our first company planting programme planted 500 English heritage trees locally in the Forest Of Dean.
Other actions we have taken include:
- Previously invested in a hybrid vehicle for one of our sales force and this will continue over the next few years.
- All packaging and paper waste is recycled, creating filling material for customer orders. We have also recently contacted local companies within our industrial estate and have now arranged to take all their shredding.
- Lights within the office and warehouse have now been changed over to LED to reduce our electricity demand.
- Investigations are underway to review our electricity supplier and ascertain the level of renewable generation within its own supply chain.

Partner Sustainabilty
Solder Connection Ltd look to ensure quality & sustainability across our supply chain, with emphasis on our external partners. Many of our suppliers have set their own Sustainability goals, working towards Net Zero 2030.
Please see links to our Partners below.